PIET Moodshop — Graphic Branding

— Graphic branding
— Print Design

Some 10 years ago, there was PIET 1 (Ghent), then PIET 2 (Ghent) and PIET 3 opened in Antwerp in 2020. Even in corona times, PIET Moodshop’s retail story seems to be a success, thanks in part to King George. Two of the three shops were carefully decorated under the watchful eye of The King and the rebranding also fell into good hands. With three physical retail stores and an online shop, it was time for uniformity. A recognisable house style for all shops, but still with a certain distinction. For the announcement of PIET’s third shop in Antwerp, the PR team worked out an influencer event.


You can hear how retail can still be such a success formula in the podcast ‘PIET Moodshops 3rd shop in Antwerp and his vision of retail 2020’.

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